Category: Server Infrastructure

  • Getting my first real 19″ server rack

    Getting my first real 19″ server rack

    Since I moved into my new flat all of my server infrastructure was in the small storage room located in my kitchen. The main problem is that the room was actually planed for storing food and drinks and all the devices produce so much heat that for example chocolate is melting! Also all the fans…

  • Moving to my last flat ever

    Moving to my last flat ever

    I have once again moved all of my server infrastructure to a new flat. But this will be my last flat moving ever. I bought this flat! It’s mine now. The storage room in the kitchen already has a very fitting IKEA Lackrack shaft: Preparing WiFi at the car One of my main problems is…

  • Forming a storage cluster while moving into another new flat

    Forming a storage cluster while moving into another new flat

    I am once again moving into a new flat. I have setup a special renting contract for only 6 months (which is very hard to do in austria and probably illegal). I do not plan to stay in this small flat for any longer as the flat that I have already bought is being finished…

  • Fixing the overheating problems of the homeserver

    Fixing the overheating problems of the homeserver

    Remember my last post about my new homeserver, where I wondered if there will be enough air circulation for cooling the CPU? Well turns out, the CPU was running at around 80°C for weeks now and the fans are either stuck or are rotating but practically no air is moving through. The whole design of…

  • Abusing free amazon prime photo storage

    Abusing free amazon prime photo storage

    Amazon Prime membership includes 15GB cloud storage and unlimited photo storage. Since I already wanted to create a backup of my storage raid, I thought it would be nice to upload all my files encoded as pictures. I came up with a simple tool that converts files and folder structures into pictures, and allows you…

  • Adding more disks and UPS to my homeserver

    Adding more disks and UPS to my homeserver

    My initial raid array is starting to getting 100% filled up with movies, series, music, wikipedia and other wiki dumps, temporary torrents, a warez share and so on. Time to order new disks! Disks nowadays have much more capacity at a lower price so this upgrade consists mostly of 10TB disks. My homeserver enclosure and…

  • A new flat requires deadly power outlets for the homeserver

    A new flat requires deadly power outlets for the homeserver

    The new homeserver had to be moved into my new flat too but there was only limited space. Also it made a lot of noises with the fans, therefore it could not stay in our living room or my sleeping room. The flat had a small storage room, where most of its area was taken…

  • Upgrading my odroid-xu3 homeserver

    Upgrading my odroid-xu3 homeserver

    Until now my whole server infrastructure was running on a single ODROID-XU3, with lots of harddisks connected over USB3 and an additional network interface also connected over USB3. It’s about time to finally upgrade to a proper x86_64 machine with all disks properly mounted in an enclousure. The storage raid will stay as is and…