Bobbycar ride: Putting speakers on trailers for mobile raves

Getting some music into the streets of Graz was one of our top priorities during the pandemic. Clubs were closed, parties and raves were shutdown and time was boring.

version 1

The first rideout was done using an old moldy speaker, that was laying around in the hackerspace. It really was hazardous to health, so it was a public service to give it another use outside on the trailer.

version 2

The next version includes some analog devices amp evalation board and an old hoverboard battery pack no longer used by previous bobbycar projects. This one was already stereo but direct front and back.

version 3

The third and last try in this direction was done using some old home cinema subwoofer bought used from willhaben for ~150€. The speakers from version 2 were used as treble speakers and a crossover was used to divide the frequencies accordingly.

This one was loud enough to attrackt loads of people all around in Augarten. We hosted a little rave but it didnt take long until the first police car was visible, looking for the source of loudness. Quickly we turned everything off and they couldnt locate us. When they went away again, we turned up even more than before.

We played this game 2 to 3 tries but then Polizei Graz got a bit smarter and came by foot walking instead with the big car. Of course we didnt notice them and so they gave me a fine for being too loud at night. The guests were cool enough to cover all of the costs for the fine. The fine was around 45€.

Police even tried to take away the subwoofer trailer from us but then they noticed it’s just too heavy to lift. Classic Polizei Graz action.

They wanted to bring it to Polizeistation Schmiedgasse. We offered bringing it there with the bobbycars ourselfs, because then I am already there to pick it up again. We concluded that it is the best for them if the subwoofer just vanishes from augarten now and we dont turn up the music again. We drove back home.

If it is that cheap to host an unplanned rave in the city I will definately do it again soon.




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